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Jeremy Specht from Elkin Insurance is helping people understand the Medicare world and navigating all of their insurnce needs

Medicare Advantage plans compared to Original Medicare?

Many Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans may include prescription drug, vision, hearing and dental coverage not offered by Original Medicare (Parts A & B). Additionally, each Medicare Advantage plan is required by law to have an annual maximum cap on out-of-pocket costs. This means that once that limit is reached you will pay nothing for additional covered medical services.

Find a Medicare Advantage plan that may be right for you

UnitedHealthcare offers many different Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans. These plans are designed to meet a wide variety of healthcare needs and budgets. Contact Elkin Insurance to find out All of your options today. One of our Premier Insurance Companies in our local service area is United Healthcare. 

Medicare Advantage plans from UnitedHealthcare.

All UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage plans offer ways to help members to connect to the care they need. You may also qualify by living in a area that offers a $0 premium plan that includes: $0 Deductibles, Hospital/Medical coverage, $0 copay at Primary doctors visit, low cost Emergency Air Transport, Transportation to Medical Appointments, Home Meals after a hospital stay, 24/7 Nurse line, Telehealth, GYM membership, Dental, Vision, Hearing, Hearing Aids, $0 Deductible Rx, Mail Delivered Rx and Rx copays as low as $0. And more!

To learn more about this and other Health related topics, talk with a professional in your community. Make an appointment to speak with one of our professionals and see for yourself the Elkin Insurance difference. At Elkin Insurance "We Care About You".

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Major medical health insurance is a type of health insurance that covers the expenses associated with serious illness or hospitalization.


We provide all the information you need on Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage Plans so you can make an informed decision. 


The basic building block of financial planning is protection. By getting enough life insurance you are protecting your loved ones so that the money is there to continue their lives without disruption.


An annuity is an insurance product that pays out income, and can be used as part of a retirement strategy. Annuities are a popular choice for investors who want to receive a steady income stream in retirement.



Final expense insurance is designed to cover the bills that your loved ones will face after your death. These costs will include medical bills and funeral expenses. 

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